Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dance Around the May Pole

It's the celebration of summer! A time for new beginnings and growth. (my god I sound like my mother) but really though yesterday was May Day which in many European countries, especially my mother's grandmothers homeland of Ireland (and some places in the U.S.) is a day of celebration. When I was a little girl my mom always took me to May Day celebrations at her friend's houses. There would be other kids and we would really do a May Pole and it really was extremely fun and light hearted. A may pole is a large pole with some sort of ribbon, twine, or strings that hang from it and a group of people each take a string and run, dance, or whatever you feel the need to do around the may pole in a circle until the ribbons twist around the pole, making a very pretty sight. It was such a fun thing to do as a kid. We always did wild and crazy things like that, my mom and me. Looking back as I got older I started boycotting some of those types of outings because I thought they weren't "cool" but looking back I'm so glad that mindset didn't take place until after I experienced such a vast amount of her world. There are so many happy go lucky places and people out there, and more than likely you ain't gonna find them while blending in with the crowd.

Yesterday was a personal celebration for me as well. I took my last exam at Blue Ridge Community College, a place of torture for me. I have been somehow stuck, partly my fault in way (aka working full time while going to school full time and letting work come first) at that school for 3 years. It seems like I was knee high in muck, and couldn't free myself no matter what I did. That is all over now though, and I'm done! Gone, Finished, Over. I'm still waiting to hear from JMU, since I've been wait-listed, over what I'll be doing this fall, but for now its a waiting game and I've done all I can, it's in their hands now. That aside, walking off that "campus" and driving away was one of the best feelings I've had in a very long time. Blue Ridge didn't offer me much other than classes, and a huge gas bill (its 45 mintues from my house). It has been dead weight I've been carrying around, and although I wish more than anything I was graduating with my suppose to be class right now, I'll take the "graduation" from Blue Ridge and say see ya, after while crocodile, bye bye butterfly, peace out girl get the idea :).

Another little tid-bit, May first is the beginning of another small goal for me. I'm gonna take part in "No Weigh May" (yes I made my own sign, myself) which means I won't be getting on a scale for the whole month. I don't obsess excessively about the number anyways, but I do usually get on that thing at least 3 times a week, and just like any other breathing, living, woman, I like to see numbers go down. I know its more about the way you feel in your skin, the way the clothes fit ya, and the way you look at yourself...and that's want I want to focus on this month. I've been on a mission lately internally to stop judging. I'll admit it happens, your a liar if you say you don't do it, its hard not to, but I truly have become disgusted with the way people judge each other. We all have different ideas, lifestyles, looks, happiness, hair-do's, and so on and we are all entitled to our own ways. Why do we constantly think it's ok for us to judge someone elses choices? We should just be happy that other person is happy, and what ever it does that makes them happy, well be it! I am happy with myself, many people think that's not so because I'm so so soooo into eating healthy and working out, but I am perfectly happy. I'm happy because making myself a healthier person makes me happy. I don't despise my body, I just love improving what I already have. I enjoy motivation and uplifting people, and I like to share my happiness with others (aka I take a million pictures, I write this blog, and I share unnecessary amounts of goopy lovesick thoughts about my life and my loves) So back to the point of this paragraph, I ramble and get off topic and I always will so this is what you'd call a "tid-bit" for me, this month isn't about numbers its about a feeling, because you can't be defined in a number and you shouldn't be worried about what the scale says. Be more worried about what makes you happy. For me it's rambling, cowboy boots, no school, puppies, planning, denim shirts, lifting weights, wine, lovesick movies.....

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