Friday, March 29, 2013

My Man in Black

So yes this will be mushy, but I warned you from the begining I'm a mushy gushy person. I'm in a lovey dovey mood these last few days and very thankful for all the people I have in my life. We all have only one life to live, might as well make sure you're spending it around the people who really mean something to you. and I sure have an amazing man in my life.

I fell quite blessed to spend my days with Chase Fink. He truly is a good man. I love our relationship, but it's not because its perfect. We fight, we hollar, we hurt each others feeling at times, but we find a way to work those issues out. The important thing is we laugh, we goof off, work hard, love each other, and we tell the truth. You need to find someone whose willing to be there for you, help out with daily tasks. Someone who will let you get stressed out and cry and comfort you when its needed and laugh at you when overreacting. A man who won't be afraid to tell you when a decorating idea doesn't suit him, or wouldn't look right. Make sure they'll cook for you and make fires for you. A man whose not afraid to tell you have been talking straight for 10 mintues and need to get to the point of the story. They will attend your huge and little family events, which happen every month when you have a family as big and extended as mine. Someone who knows how to forgive, because you're going to make mistakes. You're a human and its going to happen, and you need someone to know your sorry and forgive you because they love you. Be able to communicate with each other, admit when your side of the arguement is wrong, and move past the little fights. Never think you know it all, because you don't and never will. Just make the best out of everyday you have together. I know I'm being gushy...and I know I don't know it all when it comes to realtionships. I just like the man I share mine with very much. I thank God our paths crossed, than crossed again, and finally joined up.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

For the Love of Linen

On this cold and chilly day I'm glad to finally see the sun peeking through again. Just last weekend I had my clothes on the line enjoying the breeze and sunshine and then come Sunday snow came falling down again. I love hanging clothes on the line, I remember always hanging clothes with my mom growing up. I never lived anywhere that we didn't use a clothesline. It's so much better than using a dryer. I find it to be a peaceful activity where I can collect my thoughts. And it makes laundry a much better activity in my book...(until you gotta fold and put away clothes, which nobody likes.) With the passing of Grandma, I've been having memories pop into my head of her and her house. One I keep thinking about is her clothesline which ran by the side of the house. I remember always climbing up the "T" shaped metal pole and hanging upside down by only my knees. Now I can't remember where my imagination was taking me while I hung there, upside down, but I know Grandma's clothesline is what got me to that imaginative place. Line drying clothes is another one of those traditions I don't ever want to let go of. It's great because of the money it saves not using the dyer and overall it just gives me a good feeling. It's one of those chores that hasn't changed over the years. I like the idea that I'm working in the same way that thousands of women before me were. It's a country life chore, which as yall all know, I'm all about the simple, country life.

Also and if you've never slept on line-dried bedsheets, you've never slept well.

On the subject of laundry, I have to share this book with you all. It's like a bible to the tricks to living a simple country life. It's called Simple Country Wisdom. It was put out by one of my favorite magazines, Country Living. It has a little bit of everything in it. Cooking, Cleaning, Decorating, Crafting, and on and on.
Mines become quite beat up over the last two years, but that's how I like a good book anyways. Well it has a section about Line Drying Secrets and I thought I'd share some with yall just in case you could use any on your laundry days. Some of them may have been taught to you from mothers and grandmothers already, but maybe a few will be new.
  • Give clothing some breathing room if you have the space. Leaving a foot or two between each garment on a clothesline reduces drying time.
  • Dirty clotheslines make for spotty clothing. Once a month, use a rag to go over your outdoor clothesline with warm water and pine oil cleaner.
  • Choose a day that's sunny and at the very least, breezy to dry clothes. The motion of the wind prevents clothes from stiffening and if left for a few extra hours, can help make your clothing softer.
  • Let whites take in a bit of sun in the early might surprise you how strong a natural bleaching effect the sun rays can have on your garments.
  • Avoid clothespin marks on the shoulders of your dress shirts and lighter knits by putting them on hangers with the top button closed.
  • Don't hang bath towels by the corners..the weight of the cloth will pull the corners out of shape and leave indents. Instead double them over the line.
  • Clothes always dry better on a tight clothesline (not like mine in pictured above, it needs some mending) after shaking the wrinkles out of each garment before you hang it. They won't need as much ironing and will be softer.

.....and there are more, but if I told you all of them you wouldn't have any reason to buy the book now would you.

Below are some of the beautiful laundry rooms they picture in the book. The first one is the design I based my laundry room after. It needs much more decorating (aka time and money finding the junk I like to make into "antiques") but it's coming along. Also if you don't have a yard or place to put an outdoor clothesline. It doesn't mean you can get creative inside your house finding ways to hang clothes. Maybe another time, when I have more time, I'll put up some ideas for indoor clotheslines.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

With the passing day.

As of yesterday I had began the brain storming for this post, and through out the day as events took place and emotions were felt its taken on a whole new meaning. A deep and loving feeling mixed with sadness and rejoice.

Life is full of happiness and sadness and we all just have to learn to deal with each day and each experience and find the joy and celebration in each day and each event that comes upon us. There are so many events I want to celebrate in this post, and one also holds much sadness as well.

Yesterday the world lost a wonderful woman, and yet heaven gained a beautiful angel at the same time. Grandma Mary passed away yesterday only 15 days away from her 98th birthday. Grandma, which is the only name I will ever feel fits her for me, is my stepdads grandmother. His family and her took me in over 14 years ago as their own. Although no true form of officially marriage makes him my stepdad, he has always treated me and cared for me as a daughter of his own. Grandma was a tough lady. She grew up on Fulk Mountain, where my fathers family has had a cabin for decades, just minutes from her home place. (Those are the type of beautiful connections that come from living in the country) She was the mother of 4 boys, and cared for them in a time when the world was simpler, but yet hard work was not an unknown thing. While I was growing up we lived with her for a little while and she never once was anything but hospitable to having us in her home. Im not even close to being the person to explain her and to try and give you a sense of who she was, the time I knew her was only a brief part of her long life. I cherish the memories I had with her. My heart is heavy for her passing. There is guilt in my heart because in the last few years I allowed the busyness of life to keep me from taking the time to go see her the way I should of. I know you can't regret those things and you have to keep in good thoughts about the times and good moments you did have with a person, but its human nature to regret. The important lesson is to learn and change your ways from that regret. Above all else I try to always remember to keep faith and celebrate when one passes. Grandma Mary lived a very long and fullifed life. Always cracking jokes and smiling, all while working hard and providing for those she loved, until she had to allow those who loved her take care of her and believe me they did, her granddaughter Rita and her family cared for her in such deep way, I pray someday my future family cares for me in my latter years with so much love. She is in a better place now, and we all need to be joyfull and happy for her because of that blessing. The sadness needs to be directed into love and compasion for her loved ones left behind.

In the same blessing of life being joined again in heaven, life is blessed by being brought here to us. Chase's sister Shaneyne and her husband John were happy to announce that they are having a baby boy come this August! I am so happy for the two of them. They are a couple for the books. Their love is not only fast and was created so quickly, but it is deep and true and they didnt need years upon years to know they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. I wish there was a way to be closer to them out in Colorado. I feel overwelmed with joy of the new little baby boy Deacon Gabriel. He will keep me busy crafting and shopping and overall spoiling until his arrival. Its so touching to see the joy and happiness the gift of life brings to those it excites. I'm sure there will be many more posts to come about the little bundle of joy.

 If you haven't already, go take a look at Farmhouse Revivals

Also in other celebration my good friend, whose Etsy site I shared the other day, had her first sale within 24 hours of opening!! I just think thats so great! It's so imortant to have compassion and love for others achievements! It brings selfless joy to your heart. I'm so happy for her and love seeing her so excited. She has worked so hard over the years to be where she is and deserves to have such a wonderful payoff.

And for myself I want to celebrate the fact yesterday I saw 1000 views come and contuine to grow. I have 10 views that are from Germany. I have views from facebook, twitter, and instagram...and than also I have views from just plain google! Its such a little thing in the great sceme of things, but its more about what I wanted this blog to represent. I'm not sure still what it does represent, or what it's for other than just the simple fact of its about me. The hobbies I love, the life I want to live, the food I want to eat, and the style I love having wrapped in all around me. Initially I wanted this blog to become my outlet for my compulsive sharing. I love to talk, and tell stories, or just explain how I feel...and in real life that tends to create problems. I'm awful for talking for 10 mintues straight or longer until Chase finally can't keep it in and starts laughing because I haven't taken a breath in mintues. I can't keep on track when telling stories. I end up telling about five tangents when all I needed was one point to get across. This blog is a place I'm allowed to get off topic for how ever long I'd like, because no one has to read it. It's not the only way to stay in touch with me and its completely up to people to read it if they want to read it. That being said I just can't believe that people are liking it! Thank you all so much for not just running me outta town, and hushing me. It inspires me to create meaningful posts, interesting posts....posts you actually want to try or do. I couldn't be happier with where this blog has gone and seems to be going and I hope everyone who is reading likes it too.

Overall there is a lot of emotions going through me today. It's like a small war is being fought inside my head and I'm trying to stay a float. I feel the most important thing is to try and understand those feelings and cope & rejoice in them. Rejoice in the fact your feeling them. We are all allowed to feel, its how we know where alive. Just try and live honestly with yourself and be honest with those around you. Happiness and contentment with life's events will come in sweet always does.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Protein Packed Pad Thai

So for the past few weeks my dinners have been grilled chicken, broccoli, and rice. I love the three so much, but I'm hitting a point I have to switch it up. Yesterday I found this Pad Thai recipe and last night we tried it out. I think we used to many noodles because the flavor wasn't as strong as I like it, but it was pretty amazing none the less. We're huge Thai food fans. We went through a period last summer where every Sunday was homemade Thai night. Never could make it as good as our favorite Thai Place though, which is Thai Flavor. (a little place tucked in one of Harrisonburg's side streets that beats out all the other Thai places in town if you ask me) The other reason I love this recipe is that it has a ton of good protein from the eggs, chicken, and peanut butter. After my typical 800 to 1000 calorie workout in the evenings I need that high protein to fuel my body. Now it does have a good bit of carbs too, but there are low carb pastas out there you can substitute noodles like Shirataki noodles, which are high in fiber and made from tofu. If you've never had tofu, it can be kind of tasteless but when you cook it right with seasoning and flavors its good. I grew up eating a lot of with my mother. It's not that bad, I promise. Other ways to make it healthier would be only using egg whites and better peanut butter. Also you could use something other than real sugar like stevia, another subsitute my mom has used since I was a baby. Either way this meal is so good, and keeps me on track while splurging a little too.  Chase and me tripled this recipe because it was the only thing we had for dinner (don't judge, one course meals are my savior after a long day) and becasue he eats leftovers for lunch every day. Hope you enjoy it if you try it out, I can tell you it won't be the last time I make it.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 10-15 mins
Serves: 4


  • 6 oz whole-wheat cappellini or angel-hair pasta (about 1/3 16 oz box)
  • 1/2 lb chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces (about 1 c precooked)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 C chopped cilantro
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp creamy peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp red chili flakes


Cook pasta according to package directions. Toss with 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Heat wok or large skillet over medium-high heat and add remaining olive oil. Add chicken pieces and saute until just browned and no longer pink (about 4 minutes). Remove from pan and set aside.
In a small bowl, whisk fish sauce, peanut butter, sugar, chili flakes, and 1 tablespoon water until smooth. Set aside.
Crack eggs into pan and scramble until firm. Add in chicken and cook for another 2 minutes.
Add cooked pasta and peanut butter mixture to pan, tossing with chicken and eggs. Add chopped cilantro. Garnish with crushed peanuts, bean sprouts, or lime wedge if desired.


Nutritional Facts per serving

FAT9.9 G

Monday, March 25, 2013

Farmhouse Revivals

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope most of you are tucked in under a comfy blanket and drinking a hot cup of something, I know I wish I was. This spring snow is just to much. Saturday I was hanging clothes on the line, and today I'm shoveling snow off my truck. I will say its a very pretty snow, and I am a little kid at heart and always get excited at the sight of the flurries. Today is very exciting day for many reasons, first and foremost, Chase's sister Shaneyne is pregnant and finally finds out the gender today!!!! I'm so stinking excited. She lives in Colorado so it's killing us we can't all be with her and her husband John during this important time.

Also today with the idea of you all sitting at home enjoying your snow day, you should have some free time on your hands. With that time you should go check out a new Etsy store a good friend of mine just opened.

She has such a nack for bringing new life to old treasures. Her items are full of country love and represent a simpler way of life. Almost all of her items are open to customize and make special to you and your home. From wreaths to signs, she has so many items right now to take your home into spring (not that the weather would make ya think its spring) I'm so excited to share her talent with ya'll. This is just the beginning too, you'll have to check in regularly to see what new lovelyness she comes up with.

Photo Credit to Yours Truly and my nice camera. Why on earth dont I ever use it more often!?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keeps the home fires burning

Last August Chase and I moved into a small little farmhouse tucked back in Mountain Valley. The place needed fixing up, which we took on ourselfs for a discounted price (some months were free we did so much) on rent from our landlord. The place had this awful gas burning stove as its main heat source, and Chase and his father inspected the chimney and found we could replace it with a wood stove to heat the house, after a little work was done of course.

I was all for it! After the initial cost of buying a stove, the piping, etc...its basically free heat I thought! You can't beat that! ...well its free if you consider your time free of charge. Heating your whole home (even one as little as ours) with nothing but the heat from a wood stove isn't easy. Last night, as I sat up watching Chase try for an hour to get a decent fire going from some wet (late in the season) wood at 12:30a.m., I kept thinking to myself, in the movies they make a wood stove seem some romantic and perfect...and I can tell you that that is just the exterior they portray. Now don't get me wrong, I love our wood stove to death. The saying "there's no heat like a wood stove's heat" is no lie. We lost power recently during a big snow storm and it wasn't a bother at all. The charm and character it adds to the little farm house is perfect too. I love the primitive way of providing for yourself , but it's not easy work. Not easy one bit.

I'm beyond thankful to have a mountain man in my life who takes care of the fire almost 100% of the time. I've made plently of fires myself, and did keep it going for a week by myself over Christmas, but he takes good care of me and "keeps the home fires burning" (good song, go give it a listen, done by Ronnie Milsap...I edited the lyrics a little). I would say he spends a least 15% of his day keeping that thing going so the house stays warm. After all that is said and done you have the basics to the work, you have the wood...

Countless trips to the mountain to cut down trees...than cut them up...split them into logs...load it on the trucks...bring it home and load it off again... then stack it up...and  end with the hauling daily of it in the house (oh the mess it makes on the carpet, my poor vacuum). We've gone through countless cords of wood. Thats wood stacked 4 feet wide by 8 feet long by 4 feet high....a lot of wood. Chase, his father, his friends, and me have all contributed to the wood we've had this year...I'm hoping this last round will do us in, but the way its been snowing, you can't be too sure. One thing is for sure, Chase has once again shown me through this winter his ability to work, and provide for me. He's not one to shy away from hard word, and I'm so thankful to have him in my life. The country home doesn't run with out the work from the man and the old woman. Old woman is a good title where I'm from, it means he wants ya as his one and only. ;)

We got our stove from a lady off craigslist. We drove over the mountain and picked her up looking just like she is here. Chase ended up doing some research on it and found out our stove is a mix between two models Fisher made, and the only place to manufacture these miss-sized stoves was a factory in West Virginia. The orginal owners before the lady we brought it from was an old couple who bought it brand new and had it for over 20 years.

Chase's dad is mason who does stone and brick work along with other trades, and him and Chase built us this hearth for the stove. All 800 pounds of stove, yes the day we brought it in I was afraid for my floors, and afraid for us and the stove going through them! This picture doesn't do it justice. It's a beautiful design and once again was basically gifted to us through hard work and their time.

After the chimney was cleaned out real good by Chase and his dad (I wish I pictures of them covered in soot haha) They put in a new stove pipe and fixed it all up. Chase spent a good while painting and cleaning up the stove till it shined like brand new. He does have a nack for the painting and fixing up.

This was our first pile of wood, which I helped split (lets talk a work out). I remember being so sure that would last for such a long time. Was I wrong. I never knew how quickly you can go through some wood when it's your only source of heat.

The first fire ever built, by us, in the stove. Back in the early fall/winter we put a fire in all the time, now when its just touching 60 degrees out we don't. Not sure if we've got immune to the cold, or greedy with burning our wood.

I will say the photographer in me has loved this lifestyle. I love capturing the feel of it. It seems to carry an older and respected way a life with it. Those trees were burning have been around for decades and they carry more history then I can even begin to imagine.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

He who has health has hope

about a year ago I bought this little sign,
and it hangs by the door as I walk out every morning.

So as plenty of you know, I have been doing a 30 day Instagram challenge called #vfitnessphotochallenge and well today is day 30! I was not to jumping for joy about starting this challenge, because day 1 meant posting a photo of my current body at the time, which I was not disgusted by, or mortified by, or anything like that...but I wasn't happy with it or sharing it with the world. It was motivation though and it kept me going. I have been changing my lifestyle over the last 2 months. This is not just to slim down for summer, or to get skinny, but because recently I have started working in a doctors office and the health of some, not yet in their 50's, really made me decide I don't want to be in that shape at their age. I want to live a long, full life and while ultimately that isn't up to me, I want to do everything I can to be as healthy and in shape as I can be. Now don't get me wrong...I love cheese, wine, french fries, and oh lordy I have an awful sweet tooth!! ...but I don't need them every meal, or even every week and I keep them in moderation when I do have them. I eat food that is good for me and my body, and it tastes pretty amazing too. I haven't been this content, energetic, and overall just happier in a long time.

Through out the last month I've learned a lot. I've gone through self doubt, happiness, judgement from others, obsession, and a few binges. In the end I've come out with a better sense of the importance of getting a workout in while also knowing when there are more important parts of life that need your attention. I am happy and satisfied with my lifestyle change. I'm thankful for the support I receive from my loved ones. My father is probably my biggest inspiration. He used to live an unhealthy life and over the last 12 years he has changed his lifestyle to one that cleaned out his body, his mind and more importantly keeps him healthy and here, which is the most important part to me. I am a daddy's girl through and through, and I would be lost without his advice and nurture. 

Recently a good friend gave me this tid bit of advice "the best response to judgement is success" ...and I've taken that to heart in more ways than one. I did have fun through out this photo challenge. I've been doing Instagram challenges for over a year now and I don't miss days. It's nice having a photo from each day of the year to look back on. I will always treasure old letters and photographs, they are some of the purest forms of beautiful memories.

Day 1

Day 30

PS: Happy First Day of Spring!!! lets all pray the snow and nasty-ness is over and we can start seeing some flowers and sunshine!