Monday, March 18, 2013

T-shirts to Tank Tops

Ok so I promised a DIY and here it is.

Now not everyone will find this interesting, but I love the transformation of all these old t-shirts I had laying around. They're great for working out or cleaning the house or just lazy'n around and much cuter than the typical cut off tee. It's a super easy DIY and all you need is an old shirt and a good pair of scissors. This is my first How To, and I do apologize if its not clear enough. 

1. You'll want to start by cutting off the neckband of the Tshirt. Cut close to the seam in the back and decide how low you would like to cut in the front dependent on how low you want the neckline to go. I went back after the shirt was competeled and perfected this part. It will change as you tie the shirt in the back.

2. Now cut off the sleeves of the shirt. You can do this just at the seam for now, or go ahead and decide how large you want the straps to be and low you want the cut to go down on your sides. Make sure to cut straight down to begin with and than start to curve out as you get closer to the bottom of your cut.

3. Next make a deep V cut in the back of the shirt at the top. Depending on how far you want it to go down your back depends on how far you need to cut. Make sure as your cutting your also thinking about the size of the straps that you want.

4. Now you'll need to cut the band (hem) of the sleeve you've cut off and cut it off to use as your string to tie the V together. Make a double knot near the top of the V. You may need to try on the shirt after you tie this knot, to find where the excatly you need to tie it for your body and your preference. It took me a few different trys to find the one I wanted. I wanted mine to fall right between my shoulder blades.

5. After you find the right place, begin wrapping down the V tightly. Stop right before you close up the hole where the V ends. You now need to loop through that hole to make a knot to secure your wrap. This part is tricky becasuse you have to tuck in your end string underneath the wrap. Just make sure to get it secure. I used my scissors as a wedge to secure it tightly.

The finished product! Now this was my try and the more shirts I did the better I got them. As with any DIY project you should do a test shirt first before trying it on your favorite one. The first picture shown, the blue shirt, was a much better example ( I even started getting fancy and using different color fabric for the wrap)

Also if your puppy is around, expect them to try and take off with your strings, shirt, and anything else that seems like a fun toy. It'll drive you crazy, but those eyes make it all ok.

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