Monday, February 24, 2014

It's been awhile.

I guess its safe to say I don't have a lot of spare time, well let me reelvuate that, I don't have a lot of time around the internet, since we don't have it at our house, the only time I'm around it is school and work, and for the first time in months. I have these amazing 4 hours the past two Monday's where I sit at a table in a random JMU building, its like a forgein feeling for me. Having free time around the internet. Now I don't really mind the fact I don't have real access to the internet at home, it means that when I'm home, I'm doing things disconnected from the online world. 
(minus my instagram addiction) 

anyways since I really have lost a routine blogging I don't really know whats worth putting up here currently, I don't know if i can categorize whats blog worth in my life, well that other people would find use in. There hasn't been much time this winter for crafts, or recipes (things are just bought and then thrown together these days in my house) I have found that over the last few months I had a few people come to me curious in my eating habits, which in my mind are boring and not interesting, but I suppose they have helped me get healthier, and come to think of it, a year ago I was eating (trying to eat) 1,000 calories a day and my lunches consisted of lean cuisines and dinner or grilled chicken salad. and just like everyone else eating that way, I was miserable, and not seeing any results in my body. I don't know when my mental state changed or when I realized I was doing it wrong, but when I finally did everything changed for me. 

A typical day for me now isn't really measured on calories, but on the macros-nutrients that make up the calories in the food I'm eating. I eat a lot, like every two hours, smaller portions than I used to eat, but I never feel starved and overall that makes me happier...because when I don't eat I get HANGRY and thats not good for anyone.

So for example:
I wake up-feed the animals
sometimes take a pre-workout
head to the gym-do my lifting routine
drink a protein shake
do some type of high intensity cardio
then eat a banana and cheese stick maybe
than sit in class
then eat some almonds or a hard-boiled egg
go to work
then in about two hours or when I'm hunrgy
eat "lunch", which maybe tuna with hot sause, half a whole grain torilla
some type of dish I made on sunday or what ever I made for dinner last night
then back to work work
then again when I'm hungry (probably two hours later)
another snack, maybe cheese stick or coco almonds
or a rice cake or peanut butter and celery
or hummus or greek yogurt or a apple
(you get the picture)
then I'll go home and make dinner
and I won't start off with that big ol list but basically our dinners consist of:
a protein-a veggie-a starch-and lots of seasonings (we like flavor)
then right before bed I try to drink a casein protein shake 
and then crash until 4:30 the next morning.
(also I drink at least a gallon of water a day, yes you go to the bathroom a lot, but after awhile it you don't even notice that)

I think dieting is a stupid word because it usually means people stop eating enough and not eating enough only makes your body go "oh my god, I'm getting no fuel, I better store up all this fat!!" your body needs food, good food, good protein, carbs, fats, fiber...FOOOD. 

haha i love food. 
and I love seeing how different food effects my body and how I feel.

I'm currently getting ready to start a challenge with some healthy supplements and cleanse for my body, which means I'll need to be more aware of what I'm putting into my body, and it's gonna be fun to see how that affects me.

basically over this last year the biggest thing I've learned is as women we are always feeling so much pressure to be in shape and have a good body...umm but lets get something clear we all have good bodies!!!! Just because we may want to change our bodies doesn't mean we cant love the bodies we have while we have them, right now this very second!...we gotta stop basing our happiness off a number on a scale, or a jean size, or a diet. FOR EXAMPLE: see picture below

the last one is today, I'm currently heavier then I was in November, but my waist has lost 3 inches,  I've gained muscle and lost fat. That tricky little scale is a big fat liar if you're allowing it to be the only way to judge your body's health.

We learn from a very young age to criticize everything not "perfect" about our bodies, but that doesn't mean we can unlearn that. I know its a struggle, I struggle with it plenty, but it's my number one goal for myself and hopefully for myself one day as a mother. We all have the power to project a positive image of our bodies, we have to love ourselves for all the amazing things we are made up of. Number one we just gotta stop being so gosh darn hard on ourselves. 

disclaimer: I didn't edit this post at all, so my apologizes for all the errors. 
I like to ramble. I do not like to edit.