Friday, October 11, 2013

Let Me Explain..

Ok so here's what's on my mind! 

•Body Image. 
•Diet (which is defined as the food you eat, not the food you don't eat!). 
•Self Acceptance. 

As many know, about 9 months ago I made a lifestyle change. Not in one day or in one month or in two months, but as a process (which is still in process). Through this journey I've found out so much about how I feel about myself, and why women are so hard on themselves. We are feed it by the media and each other, and I think most people understand that so I won't harp on about that---but what I will harp on about is the struggle for women to support each other in our body images. We have such a tendency to not tell each other good things about their goals and lifestyles. We find ourselves picking others apart because we don't understand/agree/like what they're doing. I wish this was a switch we could turn off, but we can't, we just have to strive to not do it. No one should feel bad about that they eat, what they wear, what they do. You gotta find what makes you happy, and when you do find it- do it! And when you have a girlfriend who is happy in what she's doing, congratulate her, be happy for her! Happiness in the key to health. We all have different wants and goals for our bodies and that's awesome! Like some of us want to be mothers, like I want it soooo much, and I pray someday I will be. And I'm sure I'll go through rough patches excepting my body changing, but I hope I can remember that every mother is a tiger who earns her stripes and gosh darn I hope I remember to sing that to the sky! Some want to compete athletically, that won't be me, I'm not a star athlete. Some don't have any specific plans for their bodies and that's wonderful, it's not even close to the most important thing to obsesses over and we all need to believe and remember that! It's makes us unique, and it makes us beautiful in our own ways. For instance I've gotten criticism for wanting to "tone" my body (which I also don't believe is a good word, it confuses people). When I first started I didn't like my body, I thought I was fat, needed to have a thigh gap, and weight under 130. Through the process I've gained not the physical progress but the mental, and it's so much more important. I don't wanna have a thigh gap, it's not gonna happen and it's not important. I haven't stepped on a scale in months and I've let go of reaching a goal in weight. I love my body right now, and i still want to improve it. 

That's a big point I want to make: you can love your body at the same time as you are trying to improve it. 

My goals are different than others, and that's good because it means I'm not like everyone else. I wish I could instill this mind set in all those girls who have bad thoughts about their body. And I'm not seated up on a mountain saying I never have bad thoughts come to mind about myself. I'm human, and it's gonna happen, the fun part about it is finding something positive to change my outlook. 

Some women look like Victoria Secret   models and some have big beautiful curves for days. They each are a beautiful representation of the female body! We just have to keep reminding each other of that! 

Wooah I feel like I'm on a happy steroid pill. I'll go chill out now. And maybe have some peanut butter. Love you all, who ever you may be. I hope this brings you good some how.

Just for laughs