Friday, May 31, 2013

Take Me to the Movies

In the spirit of the fact I needed some inner happiness this morning, I headed over to Green Wedding Shoes. My all time favorite wedding blog...and some how I got stuck on the movie inspired weddings and engagements. I am always gonna be a sucker for weddings and always gonna be a movie add those together and well you equal happiness for me, which was exactly what I was looking for this morning.

so enjoy some beautiful and unique ideas for that moment in your life when you feel like you're in a cinematic sceptical of your very own.

Anne of Green Gables


 Lady and the Tramp

Willy Wonka

Water for Elephants

Little Red Riding Hood

 The Notebook

Harry Potter

Alice In Wonderland

The Hunger Games

 The Princess Bride

ahhhh and the best for last, and not just a movie, the best love story

Walk the Line