Friday, March 8, 2013

Fit as a Fiddle

"Fit" has recently really taken off as a buzz word these days. Of course it is still some what the new year, so resolutions are holding on for dear life. This fit craze is taking resolutions by storm of course, but I have to say its better than some of the weight loss trends that have captivated people over the years.

Eating clean and working out are the main concepts of being fit in my mind. It's not about dieting and starving, it's about nurturing your body with the right food and plenty of it. For about the last two months I have changed my way of eating and kept up a constant schedule of working out.

I eat 1,400 calories a day. (I burn around 600-800 durning my workouts, so it's plenty of food) My meals consist of whole gain, lean meats, fruit, vegetables, green tea every morning, and water water water! I splurge, I have to or I would binge. It's all about moderation.

My workout schedule consists of a lifting + cardio routine: arms, legs, a day of pure cardio, then arms, and legs again over a 5 day period. I do planks and side crunches every evening before bed. Sunday is my day of rest for everything though.

I haven't been surprised that I've already seen negativity from others. I don't know why as humans we always do that to each other. We seem to always show negativity to those different then us. I know I've fallen into judging and gossiping about people who are doing nothing less than trying to find what makes them happy. It's truly an evil thing we do.

Well in these seven weeks I've lost almost 6 pounds and can tell a difference in the way my clothes fit, but more than that I'm seeing a change in my mental and physical happiness. I had fallen into a serious rut, and I truly believe that this change in my lifestyle has changed my outlook on my life over all. Needless to say its a good feeling seeing the physical results as well, while small, it's slow and steady that wins the race.

1 comment:

  1. You look great!! I think it's awesome that you're so dedicated! Keep up the good work :)
