Friday, March 29, 2013

My Man in Black

So yes this will be mushy, but I warned you from the begining I'm a mushy gushy person. I'm in a lovey dovey mood these last few days and very thankful for all the people I have in my life. We all have only one life to live, might as well make sure you're spending it around the people who really mean something to you. and I sure have an amazing man in my life.

I fell quite blessed to spend my days with Chase Fink. He truly is a good man. I love our relationship, but it's not because its perfect. We fight, we hollar, we hurt each others feeling at times, but we find a way to work those issues out. The important thing is we laugh, we goof off, work hard, love each other, and we tell the truth. You need to find someone whose willing to be there for you, help out with daily tasks. Someone who will let you get stressed out and cry and comfort you when its needed and laugh at you when overreacting. A man who won't be afraid to tell you when a decorating idea doesn't suit him, or wouldn't look right. Make sure they'll cook for you and make fires for you. A man whose not afraid to tell you have been talking straight for 10 mintues and need to get to the point of the story. They will attend your huge and little family events, which happen every month when you have a family as big and extended as mine. Someone who knows how to forgive, because you're going to make mistakes. You're a human and its going to happen, and you need someone to know your sorry and forgive you because they love you. Be able to communicate with each other, admit when your side of the arguement is wrong, and move past the little fights. Never think you know it all, because you don't and never will. Just make the best out of everyday you have together. I know I'm being gushy...and I know I don't know it all when it comes to realtionships. I just like the man I share mine with very much. I thank God our paths crossed, than crossed again, and finally joined up.


  1. The season of love is upon us! Disney needs to make you their country princess and chronicle your relationship and make a movie about it.

  2. love this, and your whole blog! can we hang out soon? :)
