Wednesday, March 27, 2013

With the passing day.

As of yesterday I had began the brain storming for this post, and through out the day as events took place and emotions were felt its taken on a whole new meaning. A deep and loving feeling mixed with sadness and rejoice.

Life is full of happiness and sadness and we all just have to learn to deal with each day and each experience and find the joy and celebration in each day and each event that comes upon us. There are so many events I want to celebrate in this post, and one also holds much sadness as well.

Yesterday the world lost a wonderful woman, and yet heaven gained a beautiful angel at the same time. Grandma Mary passed away yesterday only 15 days away from her 98th birthday. Grandma, which is the only name I will ever feel fits her for me, is my stepdads grandmother. His family and her took me in over 14 years ago as their own. Although no true form of officially marriage makes him my stepdad, he has always treated me and cared for me as a daughter of his own. Grandma was a tough lady. She grew up on Fulk Mountain, where my fathers family has had a cabin for decades, just minutes from her home place. (Those are the type of beautiful connections that come from living in the country) She was the mother of 4 boys, and cared for them in a time when the world was simpler, but yet hard work was not an unknown thing. While I was growing up we lived with her for a little while and she never once was anything but hospitable to having us in her home. Im not even close to being the person to explain her and to try and give you a sense of who she was, the time I knew her was only a brief part of her long life. I cherish the memories I had with her. My heart is heavy for her passing. There is guilt in my heart because in the last few years I allowed the busyness of life to keep me from taking the time to go see her the way I should of. I know you can't regret those things and you have to keep in good thoughts about the times and good moments you did have with a person, but its human nature to regret. The important lesson is to learn and change your ways from that regret. Above all else I try to always remember to keep faith and celebrate when one passes. Grandma Mary lived a very long and fullifed life. Always cracking jokes and smiling, all while working hard and providing for those she loved, until she had to allow those who loved her take care of her and believe me they did, her granddaughter Rita and her family cared for her in such deep way, I pray someday my future family cares for me in my latter years with so much love. She is in a better place now, and we all need to be joyfull and happy for her because of that blessing. The sadness needs to be directed into love and compasion for her loved ones left behind.

In the same blessing of life being joined again in heaven, life is blessed by being brought here to us. Chase's sister Shaneyne and her husband John were happy to announce that they are having a baby boy come this August! I am so happy for the two of them. They are a couple for the books. Their love is not only fast and was created so quickly, but it is deep and true and they didnt need years upon years to know they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. I wish there was a way to be closer to them out in Colorado. I feel overwelmed with joy of the new little baby boy Deacon Gabriel. He will keep me busy crafting and shopping and overall spoiling until his arrival. Its so touching to see the joy and happiness the gift of life brings to those it excites. I'm sure there will be many more posts to come about the little bundle of joy.

 If you haven't already, go take a look at Farmhouse Revivals

Also in other celebration my good friend, whose Etsy site I shared the other day, had her first sale within 24 hours of opening!! I just think thats so great! It's so imortant to have compassion and love for others achievements! It brings selfless joy to your heart. I'm so happy for her and love seeing her so excited. She has worked so hard over the years to be where she is and deserves to have such a wonderful payoff.

And for myself I want to celebrate the fact yesterday I saw 1000 views come and contuine to grow. I have 10 views that are from Germany. I have views from facebook, twitter, and instagram...and than also I have views from just plain google! Its such a little thing in the great sceme of things, but its more about what I wanted this blog to represent. I'm not sure still what it does represent, or what it's for other than just the simple fact of its about me. The hobbies I love, the life I want to live, the food I want to eat, and the style I love having wrapped in all around me. Initially I wanted this blog to become my outlet for my compulsive sharing. I love to talk, and tell stories, or just explain how I feel...and in real life that tends to create problems. I'm awful for talking for 10 mintues straight or longer until Chase finally can't keep it in and starts laughing because I haven't taken a breath in mintues. I can't keep on track when telling stories. I end up telling about five tangents when all I needed was one point to get across. This blog is a place I'm allowed to get off topic for how ever long I'd like, because no one has to read it. It's not the only way to stay in touch with me and its completely up to people to read it if they want to read it. That being said I just can't believe that people are liking it! Thank you all so much for not just running me outta town, and hushing me. It inspires me to create meaningful posts, interesting posts....posts you actually want to try or do. I couldn't be happier with where this blog has gone and seems to be going and I hope everyone who is reading likes it too.

Overall there is a lot of emotions going through me today. It's like a small war is being fought inside my head and I'm trying to stay a float. I feel the most important thing is to try and understand those feelings and cope & rejoice in them. Rejoice in the fact your feeling them. We are all allowed to feel, its how we know where alive. Just try and live honestly with yourself and be honest with those around you. Happiness and contentment with life's events will come in sweet always does.

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