Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It's the little (cheap and easy) things

Crafting has become much more popular with the introduction of Pinterest into the world. People are constantly finding new ideas and little crafts here and there. I'm no stranger to Pinterest, and I've found millions of ideas to create (and sadly only follwed through with a dozen or so). I have some exciting crafts in the works! This blog has inspired me to keep up and finish projects I've started over a year ago. I have no shame in admitting that, because any crafter or normal, working human being knows that's just the way it goes. I have a cheerleader/best friend/crafter/hostess/basically the same mind in another body friend who inspired me to start this blog and constantly keeps me inspired to keep up with my crafts. (very soon I will be featuring her Etsy shop on here!!!) And I'll say it's so important to find someone like that in your life. Someone who will inspire you and all the while give you words of encouragement when life gets in the way and you end up behind again. Well since I haven't reached the finish project on my recent creations, I'll show you some that make up our little home. Some of these are Pinterest ideas (and I'm sorry, but I couldn't find the credit to the original creator if I tried) and some are just home grown ideas from yours truly. Most of them are very easy and can be made by items you already have or you could thift/buy new for very little.

Also as some of you know I own two veeeeery expensive Nikon SLR cameras, and for some god awful reason keep taking these darn iPhone camera photos, geez I need to get on the ball here and give ya'll some good photos, I do apologize. Makes me sick looking at the horrible quality in these photos.

Wine Bottles as bracelet holders/vases

Summer pool noodles as boot...whatever ya call them
(I have quite a few pair of boots, so this is a must for me)

An old message board as a lost sock station
(perfect for anyone whose doing a man's laundry)

A dollar store cork board, covered in burlap,
and fastened down with brass upholstery pins

Wine rack turned into a towel holder
(who has time to keep wine in a rack anyways)

These two old soda crates are two of my prized finds,
just because the colors are so perfect
They are used as glass racks in my cupboard

Hope ya'll like some of the ideas and it inspires you to get crafting around the house/apartment/where ever you call home. Also I would like to thank ya'll from the bottom of my heart for bringing my pageviews to a whoping total of 636! I know most of you are friends of mine or followers on soical networking, but it truly does mean a lot that ya keep coming back. It has shocked me how some of you are enjoying it. Ya'll are inspiring me to keep up with posting and hopefully continuing to post interesting and useful tips/music/crafts and tid bits. Love you all!

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