Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Beauty in Faded Photographs

Photography is about capturing a moment that will forever remind the person of that time in their life. It will take them back, bring out emotions they had of that time, and keep that memory alive.

I love taking pictures, I don't know if that makes me a photographer, but honestly I don't want that title. It's not something I strive to be. I used to think, wow that would be an amazing career, and than I started to grow up and realize there isn't much about a career that remains easy and light hearted as you get older and have to start making a living and supporting yourself. I know now I never want photography to be any more than what it is to me now, something I love doing, an expression of memories, times in my life and those I love.

While I was in Wise county I took a 35mm black and white film class, and it was one of the best experiences I've had with photography over the years. Nothing makes you appreciate a good photo, than actually having to adjust to light, shutter speeds, f-stops, angles and framing. After that you take all that hard work and start exposing, developing, and finishing all your work in a dark room. It's not easy..I wasted countless sheets of paper over many 6+ hour sessions and still didn't turn out with perfection. I definitely plan on taking more film classes in the future. It really makes me appreciate my Nikon SLR and how easy it is to take a good photo on it.

Here's some of the better ones I did for my final project that year. I don't know if I'll ever love anything more than the beauty of black and white, it reminds me of a simpler time. True beauty increases with age and photographs only become more meaningful.

PS: these are pictures of pictures, and not framed well. Very rough examples. I do apologize.

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