Wednesday, March 20, 2013

He who has health has hope

about a year ago I bought this little sign,
and it hangs by the door as I walk out every morning.

So as plenty of you know, I have been doing a 30 day Instagram challenge called #vfitnessphotochallenge and well today is day 30! I was not to jumping for joy about starting this challenge, because day 1 meant posting a photo of my current body at the time, which I was not disgusted by, or mortified by, or anything like that...but I wasn't happy with it or sharing it with the world. It was motivation though and it kept me going. I have been changing my lifestyle over the last 2 months. This is not just to slim down for summer, or to get skinny, but because recently I have started working in a doctors office and the health of some, not yet in their 50's, really made me decide I don't want to be in that shape at their age. I want to live a long, full life and while ultimately that isn't up to me, I want to do everything I can to be as healthy and in shape as I can be. Now don't get me wrong...I love cheese, wine, french fries, and oh lordy I have an awful sweet tooth!! ...but I don't need them every meal, or even every week and I keep them in moderation when I do have them. I eat food that is good for me and my body, and it tastes pretty amazing too. I haven't been this content, energetic, and overall just happier in a long time.

Through out the last month I've learned a lot. I've gone through self doubt, happiness, judgement from others, obsession, and a few binges. In the end I've come out with a better sense of the importance of getting a workout in while also knowing when there are more important parts of life that need your attention. I am happy and satisfied with my lifestyle change. I'm thankful for the support I receive from my loved ones. My father is probably my biggest inspiration. He used to live an unhealthy life and over the last 12 years he has changed his lifestyle to one that cleaned out his body, his mind and more importantly keeps him healthy and here, which is the most important part to me. I am a daddy's girl through and through, and I would be lost without his advice and nurture. 

Recently a good friend gave me this tid bit of advice "the best response to judgement is success" ...and I've taken that to heart in more ways than one. I did have fun through out this photo challenge. I've been doing Instagram challenges for over a year now and I don't miss days. It's nice having a photo from each day of the year to look back on. I will always treasure old letters and photographs, they are some of the purest forms of beautiful memories.

Day 1

Day 30

PS: Happy First Day of Spring!!! lets all pray the snow and nasty-ness is over and we can start seeing some flowers and sunshine!

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