Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Be Inspired, Be You, Be Happy

So I have a lot going on these next two weeks with the close of the semester coming quickly, so I apologize for the lack of quality and quantity of posts for a little while. I did want to share with ya'll two of my new favorite blogs. Both are ran by some amazing ladies. They both are very health conscious and all about a fit lifestyle. They have some amazing workouts, nutrition facts, motivational words, yummy (healthy) recipes, and just over all very inspiring posts about loving life and your body. They both are very fit girls of course, but they don't stress that being skinny is important, which is why I love their sites. Both are about making yourself happy and healthy, and if that takes you to a smaller size than more power to you. Being happy with yourself mentally is stressed by them constantly. I love this about them, because over the last three months I've really started to become aware of how evil people are when it comes to judging each other and each others lifestyles. If what you're doing is good for you, and makes you happy than no one should have any issues with it. I know that people's negative comments are usually brought on by issues they have within themselves not necessary with you, but still it doesn't make it acceptable to judge people. I am inspired by both these ladies and what they represent. I'm currently about to make some of the homemade shampoo and conditioner featured on the first site listed. I'll let you know how it goes, but looking at her hair I can't imagine it would go badly!

Now I don't have permission from either of these ladies to share their photos, so I hope they aren't to mad. I've included links below both pictures to their websites. I hope that you find them as inspiring as I do.

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