Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Little Chalkboard Love

I believe that in this day and age people are losing touch with the romance and importance of written words. I don't think there is anything more perfect than an old letter preserved in history. The look, the feel, the memories it could tell. I do all I can to keep the tradition of handwritten messages in my daily life. I write chase a little letter everyday, for many reasons, but one of them is to make sure I take a moment everyday to document why I'm thankful for him. Today I finally got around to a little project at the house that is another way for me to leave little messages to Chaseley.

I'm obsessed with chalkboard paint. It's the best invention ever. I love how easy it is to transform any object into a chalkboard with a few swipes of a paintbrush. So today I took the inside of our medicine cabinet, which was an awful cardboard, and painted it to be a little message board. Granted I'll probably be the only one to ever leave messages, but even if its reminders that we need toothpaste, it's much better than that yucky card board. The only supplies I needed was a paintbrush, painters tape (I'm not good at painting in the lines), chalkboard paint, which is at about any hardwood store now, a drop cloth (aka old sheet) and myself. I had to paint about 3 coats, over about 3 hours. ...and tada a new way to enjoy my little bathroom.

I had a great day painting and gathering up goodies for the upcoming spring. It was a very productive weekend around our little home. I'm so excited for spring this year, it's time to dive into this whole homemaking full heartedly.

1 comment:

  1. This is a GREAT idea! What a nice surprise and a great use of space.
