Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Personal Celebration!

Ok I've been going back and forth all morning about sharing this. I don't want to become to egotistic and begin to annoy people with my health posts. There is so much more to life than constantly worrying about your weight. I am not necessarily to bothered about how much weight I lose, I'm more concerned with inches and things that jiggle. Also I want to make my body a healthy body and that comes through good eating and exercise. Now that being out there, it is pretty exciting when you reach a milestone and for myself I have. I was going to reward myself when I lost 15 pounds and I've made it there!!! Now that I have I think I've decided to postpone the reward to maybe another 15 or 10, because I'm not physically where I wanted to be quite yet, but I'm so happy none the less. I don't lose weight easily. Tomorrow will be 12 weeks, 3 months, of healthier eating habits and working out 5 days a week. Now granted I've missed probably about 10 workouts total over that time because more important parts of my life like family, friends and school, but I've stayed on top of a normal exercise routine and it's just become part of my daily life. So I'm just excited that all the work is paying off! I'm almost to the size I was in high school, which is very rewarding for myself. I do apologize for posting so much about this. I just so excited to feel this way!

This is the app called "Lost It!"
I absolutely love this app, everyone should download it today!

Left: current (and bad quality photo) Right: Senior year of high school

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