Thursday, August 29, 2013

Is it Fall yet?!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Oh how I hope that is true. I am once again falling behind on keeping up with this blog. I know I don't need to rant on about why, I'm just disappointed that this always happens. But I guess it means I'm loving life outside in the real world. And hey I'm okiely smokley with all of that. 

So oh my goodness it's almost fall! I was complaining and complaining about how it was the end of summer, and than all of a sudden. Thoughts of scarves, boots, and pumpkins starting dancing around in my head. Eek so I'm gonna have to say (and Chase still is shocked every time I say this) I'm soooooo ready for fall. 

I think I'm made for fall honestly. My hair looks like a pumpkin. I own more boots than a Texan. I love soup...and pie. And well I just look better in boots, jeans, flannel, and a scarf while carrying a stack of wood than I'll ever look in a bikini and big sunglasses. (Not making a negative body image comment, just to be clear)

Ok so cut to the chase; I'm sharing all my favorite fall fashion, because other than bow season, cutting wood, and pumpkin everything...fall clothes get me most excited about the season. 

Ok what's important up there??!

1.scarves!! The chunkier the better in my book. And I can't seem to ever have enough! Do I need to explain my love for boots? It's in the title of my blog for goodness sake, I think it's obvious I'm obsessed. 
3.layers. I love how you can throw something over a summer favorite and make it a fall favorite. Like a dress or tank top.
4.denim. It's my favorite thing. I may or may not own like 4 denim button ups, and those are just the long sleeve ones.
5.pattern. I love falls patterns so much! Deer, Aztec, Flannel, Stripes..well maybe stripes are year round but they look great in fall! 
6.sweaters. Big, oversized, chunky, cozy, warm and well there is nothing better.(except maybe denim)

Ok, so there some of the things getting me excited about fall. Also all my images are from my Pinterest page. I love Pinterest for all the wonderfulness it brings, but it does take away from people's unique ideas, I mean I do it myself "Oh girl that's so neat/cute/smart!! Did you get it off Pinterest?!" And she half the time wants to hit me and say "Noooooo I just came up with it!" Haha oh well. What ya gonna do!?

Happy soon to be fall y'all!!


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